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Hair Salon  


Beauty supply store

Kenie's Beauty Palace


???????It is a natural, chemical, and biracial hair salon for all ages.located in Sacramento, California.We are specialized in natural & all hair textures. We provide a wide range of hair styling, hair extension and braiding services as well as skin care facial treatments and makeup application.We believe that natural hair is the root of healthy hair. We love, care, and protect your hair because this is a place of hope when you think there is no hope.


We have years of natural hair styling experience and have styled various natural hair textures and grades from the likes of Stevie Wonder. Whether you looking to go natural or want to continue your natural hair, give us a call today to beautify yourself naturally.


Take a trip to your place of inner harmony and let your thoughts of the outside world melt away the moment you enter our sanctuary of peace and quiet.Our salon is based on the belief that our customers' needs are of the utmost importance. Our entire team is committed to meeting those needs. As a result, a high percentage of our business is from repeat customers and referrals. We would welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best service in the industry..


Crochet Braids

Crochet Braids  Photo

There are two main effects women commonly use crochet braids to achieve. They often are used to add a splash of color to natural hair. The crochet braids can even be woven in to cover natural hair, leaving one complete braided hairstyle in the color of the purchased braids. These braids may also be used to create longer hair styles. Very long braids can be woven in and then cut to the desired length. Crochet braids are a popular choice not only because they can help create a quick, fashionable hairstyle, but also because they're a low-cost and low-maintenance way to change a hairstyle. Once the braids are woven in, daily hair-care requirements are typically greatly reduced. These types of braids also don't cost a lot of money compared to many other extension options. These types of braids don't require hair glue, caps or any of the other things that extensions sometimes require. The result is that this hair style is very easy on your scalp. People who have a sensitive scalp or who want to give their scalp a rest from more intense hairstyles may use these braids for a while because of that reason. It is also a protective hairstyle